Mixing Vessels

Mixing Solution Keys to Optimal Performance

Since we are a leading engineering company in the field of mixing technology, we are always seeking to understand and analyze the required basic mixing tasks more accurately before we can identify the best solution. Our specialists develop Edesign solutions for our customers based on their specific requirements for the mixing procedure and a detailed determination of the characteristics of the product, so that they can meet their unique needs regarding the product.

Blending and Homogeneity

The goal of every mixing process Edesign is to achieve the homogeneity required for the process throughout the entire contained volume. The homogenization of a product is crucial in order to reduce differences in concentration and temperature that may result from the addition of additional products, the transfer of mass, chemical reactions or the transfer of heat. This task occurs in both single-phase and multi-phase systems.
During homogenization, it is necessary to clarify whether the mixing time is a limiting factor that prevents energy from being saved or productivity from being increased. For low-viscosity liquids, the mixing time is usually in the order of minutes and often not critical. However the situation is different with highly viscous media, where the rheology of the medium determines the mixing process. The mixing time of the process requires the use of special, mostly wall-mounted agitation systems.
Factors to consider include the viscosity or rheology of the medium, the geometry of the vessel and the power input of the agitation system, especially during scale-up.

Mixing Solids

When mixing solids, particularly bulk materials, determining the mixing quality is crucial. Edesign, knowledge of statistical principles can be used to derive practical applications that ensure effective procedures for determining mixing quality. The scale-up of mixing times from laboratory scale to production scale is also of great importance.

Considerations include grain and particle size distribution, crystal shape, moisture content, flow behavior and the avoidance of contamination.

Solid-Liquid Suspension

Suspension refers to a mixture of liquids and solids that are distributed in a heterogeneous manner within it. Edesign suspending is the process of combining these two substances. There are a variety of objectives that can be achieved with a suspension agitator. For example for the dissolution of solids, fluidization of the solid near the bottom may be sufficient. In continuous processes like crystallization or ore leaching, high demands are placed on the homogeneity of the suspension.

Factors to consider include the process requirement (whether to suspend completely or homogeneously) the difference in density between fluid and solid and the particle size of the solid.

Liquid-Liquid Dispersion

Liquid-liquid dispersions are mixtures of two or more immiscible liquids, used for many industrial applications. In the chemical industry, liquids are often temporarily mixed for targeted control of extractions or reactions. Long-term stable dispersions known as emulsions are produced in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.

Considerations include the process requirement (temporary or stable emulsion) density differences, interfacial tension of the liquid phases and energy input from the agitation system.

Gas-Liquid Dispersion

Gassing of liquids is crucial in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, aiming to achieve the highest possible mass transfer between the dispersed gas and liquid. Edesign stirred reactors with gassing systems are used for chemical syntheses such as hydrogenation or oxidation and for fermentation.
Key factors include increasing throughput and selectivity, achieving the same conversion rate at lower pressures or temperatures and savings in total cost of ownership.


Drying is a fundamental process in engineering, involving the thermal drying of moist solids to obtain a dry final product by removing moisture. For thermal drying of moist solids under vacuum, vertical devices with mixers are ideal. Edesign the scale-up from laboratory to production scale in terms of drying time is particularly important. Considerations include grain and particle size distribution, crystal shape, moisture content, flow behavior and avoidance of contamination.

Heat Transfer

The heat transfer element must work effectively in conjunction with the vessel geometry, the cooling element, the heating element in many processes that involve agitation. Edesign typical tasks include maintaining a constant product temperature during an exothermic or endothermic reaction or setting a certain product temperature by heating or cooling within a predetermined time.
Factors to consider include the viscosity or rheology of the medium to be heated or cooled, whether the process is steady or unsteady and the available exchange area, especially during scale-up.
Edesign our commitment to understanding and meeting the unique needs of our customers ensures that we provide the best possible mixing solutions. By considering these various factors and employing our expertise, we help our clients achieve optimal results in their mixing processes.
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